At Friends, we work together with community volunteers and others to promote and support volunteer advocacy for abused and neglected children and public awareness of the importance of safe and permanent homes for all children.
In Iowa, for her child with a CASA (court-appointed special advocate) volunteer, five more cannot access one. Thirty-six counties lack this service entirely. The Iowa Child Advocacy Board (ICAB) has calculated it will cost $1.5 million to serve another 1,224 children, with the ultimate goal of ensuring every eligible child can have a CASA volunteer by 2030.
Iowa's foster care review board program is comprised of 27 county and regional boards servicing 52 counties. While nearly all of them are able to review every child in licensed foster care, Polk County cannot. Board expansion projects to review ALL children in paid foster care placement (children ages 0-5, age 16+, and any siblings) will start with Polk County.
There is much work for us to do, but 2023 looks bright thanks to our generous donors.
We hope you’ll consider including Friends of Iowa CASA and ICFCRB in your charitable giving this holiday season. Together, we can provide the best outcomes for abused and neglected children – every child and every time.